Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hey you, out there in the cold, getting lonely, getting old, can you feel me?

I'm really excited to have a new website up and running, and thanks to snare drummer Andy Kopciuch for taking the time to set it all up! I like it! It's very clean and easy to navigate, and very functional too! Make sure you check back often for updates to the schedule, all the latest news about the band, and, of course, THIS!
I'll do my best to keep the blogs coming semi-regularly. My plan for this section of the website is to keep everyone up to date on the goings on at the ass end of the band. I'll be featuring a different drum score every month (or so), and maybe describe a bit of the process that went into writing that score. I'll talk about things that have influenced me over the years, musically or otherwise, and it may get completely random at times. Whatever. This is my blog...


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